This past week was chock full of So You Think You Can Dance as both days the program aired 2 hour double episodes. The standout performance for me this past week was that of identical twin brothers, Anthony and Antwain Hart. When Anthony didn't make it due to a performance that underestimated the judge's needs, Antwain went on to deliver an excellent routine and then highlighted his twin's skills during the question period. He even said that he thought his brother was the stronger, cleaner dancer and should be there instead of him. When Nigel asked them to dance together just to see what they were capable of, they really shined, and both later made it to Vegas.
It was a very sentimental moment, but not overly cheesy.
Because I love So You Think You Can Dance so much, every week I'm going to try and put up a song I enjoy that was featured in that week's episode. So You Think You Can Dance makes some great (and some not so great) musical choices, but best of all, reminds me of songs that I've liked in the past and had forgotten about or highlights new songs.
Though she didn't really stand out to me this opening week, someone did audition to The Time is Now by Moloko (aka Roisin Murphy), and I personally think that is an excellent song to use to make a danceable first impression. It transcends the boundaries of pop and has a jazzier funkier twist than most, in addition to having the strange Roisin Murphy influence that is always present. That girl wound up getting a ticket to Vegas.
Another fun song that is featured as part of montages on So You Think You Can Dance is Sonny J's Can't Stop Moving. I think this represents the show quite well in atmosphere, energy, and lyrics.
Congrats to Bruce and Nick! These two friends of mine have just moved into their first Manhattan apartment. It should be a fantastic time for them - of settling in, and exploration, and living in and loving a city so grand.
And they're only 5 blocks away from another friend. Fun!
You know, sometimes... okay, more often than I would like to admit, when I am in the city, I cannot wait to leave. Though so much time has passed, (and in alternate meaning than the original intent), I must cite that familiarity breeds contempt. I've shifted my hangouts to a more downtown feel, and while I do adore my friends, it is not so secretly hard to be in some of the same places as not so long ago. To even have a frame of reference. So much so that if right at this moment, I'd gotten into Cornell, NYU, and UMDNJ for medical school, I'd most likely pick UMDNJ and just be done with the whole idea of everything across the river. And I still might regardless of the hypothetical scenario.
What can I say? At times, the ghost of another life haunts me.
Daft Punk - Around the World. This was playing during our Scrabble fun and always reminds me of the classic and brilliant MTV show, Daria.
Here's another good Daft Punk song - Something About Us. This one is lyrically sweet.
I never thought Keith Murray of the We Are Scientists could get any cuter.
(images courtesy of
Then, he became a puppy herder and proved me wrong.
Damn you, Keith Murray! Damn your gorgeous self and your angled flip of hair. And Chris Cain isn't too shabby either, I confess.
In all seriousness, this is the song they're promoting as their next single. Though I have not put up a review of their album, or said much on it either than declaring my undying love for the band and attempting to unravel the missing Michael Tapper mystery, I quite enjoy Brain Thrust Mastery and this song is up there as one of my faves, even though its back beat at times does sound a tad bit reminiscent of Daft Punk's Robot Rock.
We Are Scientists - Chick Lit
In addition, I will be missing out on their 2 upcoming NYC gigs due to my own global adventures. We Are Scientists and I just can't synchronize our schedules it seems. Every time they are within a few miles of me, I am somehow detained. Alas. One day.
Anyway, if anyone hits up their show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg on July 31st or Bowery Ballroom August 1st, do let me know how it all went down.
And as a personal note to friends of mine, watch this video and tell me if you think Keith Murray is copying my moves. Really. Towards the end of the song, he bops his head back and forth and then purses his lips a la my head bop and merp face combination. I am clearly reading too far into things, but hey, it's a fun coincidence. Birds of a feather and all...
Yeah, it's another one of those guilty pleasures (confirmed by the Amazon page for the album, its tags include "Worst of 2008". And speaking of Amazon, the Kindle is back in stock for those who want it). What can I say? I think the song has an honest message, or, if not that, at least a message I believe in.
Half the time the world is ending Truth is I am done pretending.
I, never thought that I Had anymore to give You're pushing me so far Here I am without you. Drink, to all that we have lost, Mistakes we have made. Everything will change, But love remains the same.
Besides, I grew up with a Gavin Rossdale crush (who didn't?). Rugged, handsome, British = Yum. And, he and Gwen Stefani make a genuinely gorgeous couple.
Oh, also, I noticed that the bandwidth is out for some of the tracks. Not to worry, it will be restored soon! In the meantime, enjoy videos and what you can while I wait for a server reset at File Den. Perhaps I should buy actual server space and stuff like that, anyone have any suggestions/ideas?
In the meantime, here's Justice's video for Stress, which I think is excellent, but reminds me very much of a modern day version of The Destructors by Graham Greene.
I think the concept is genius. This band signed with a record label and received $10,000 to do a video. What they chose to do was just go out every Wednesday and Thursday and be in the background of paparazzi celebrity shots, dubbing themselves bandarazzis. They played their music on an old school jambox and just walked around. That is brilliant, low key, and completely hilariously relatable. My favorite moment occurs when Jenna Fischer from The Office is looking out of her car window at the guys. Best of all, this video highlights the laid back and goofy quality of the band. It suits them well. They genuinely look like they're having a blast making it and bouncing around and being silly. In that respect, it's excellent. In terms of being prolific, Bob Dylan they're not, but who cares? It's fun and worth a watch.