Monday, December 3, 2007

"The times we had, oh, when the wind would blow with rain and snow, were not all bad..."

As I was commuting home to my random mix of music, I realized that this is an amazing song to hear while nearing your home. The instrumentation builds and it really feels like you're arriving someplace, making a grand entrance, rather than just adhering to a regular routine. In addition, the layering of the horns section adds a bit of the exotic with its French flair. It reminds me of French Cafe music, though I believe I remember it being cited that Beirut was going for a more Eastern European feel.

Beirut - Postcards from Italy from Gulag Orkestar

And look! Here's Beirut singing Nantes in a Take Away Concert (which are amazing, by the way. If you haven't discovered these unique performances, by all means, run and watch!)

I know I've diverted from the subject, but I was still thinking about the Take Away Shows produced by La Blogotheque. 41.1 - Arcade Fire is my favorite because they play in an elevator. The band member tearing the magazine pages wins my heart.


Anonymous said...

Simply incredible.
I listen this music all days of week, because i really love ít.

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