Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"I just can't refuse it. Like the way you do this..."

It took me a long time to accept Rihanna as a musical artist. Pon de Replay? Yeah, I severely loathed it. Her followup to that, Murderer, was not much better in my eyes.

Then Umbrella came along, and that evened things out for me. Even the Chris Brown remix of that song is excellent. Her latest song is pretty fun too, particularly because it samples Michael Jackson. That's just ballsy. For however much chaos he's created with his personal life, his music is still classic, and you don't see many people attempting to pave their way with his established body of work. So I give Rihanna props for being bold in that respect. The sampled chant really supports her song quite well, and is my favorite part.

Rihanna - Don't Stop the Music from Good Girl Gone Bad


vince said...

sometimes, i want to call Rihanna a guilty pleasure, other times i feel no guilt, no shame in openly admitting how much i love to turn the volume up when her songs come on.

i can't help but dance.

Sam Fitzpatrick. said...

Perfectly put Vince...

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