Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"You and me are the disease and the germs are spreading..."

I've merely had this song stuck in my head all day. I remember hearing it in high school when the Lovage album came out and being severely impressed. I didn't know whether to take Dan the Automator (as producer) seriously because while the production is stellar, the music is sleazy, dark, intense, humorous, and visceral all wrapped into a loungey sultry trip-hoppy package.

I would imagine this song as a band playing within a scene: taking drags from long cigarettes while the plumes of smoke billowed around the corner of a jazz bar, female patrons in form fitting dresses and bright red lipstick with loosely fingered curls while the men took swigs of scotch from their glasses and checked the cufflinks on their suits. Everybody wants to dab at the sweat just the tiniest bit, but no one does, Lovage's music is that kind of hot.

Lovage - Book of the Month from Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By

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