Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"But if you let go then I'll let go tonight..."

I heard this group on the radio and thought they were okay, so I figured I'd toss a track up here. To be perfectly honest, I feel they are an act with much room for improvement. The speed of their songs is fine, but their lyrical content is lacking and comes off as a bit repetitive and juvenile. I'm unaware of the ages of the respective band members, but regardless, a more fully developed sound would help them immensely.

Edit: Turns out, one of their main vocalists is Trace Cyrus aka Miley Cyrus' brother. I hope we don't see Metro Station on the Disney channel anytime soon. The Amazon page for Metro Station's eponymous album states that people who have purchased said album have also enjoyed We The Kings and Cobra Starship. Didn't those three bands tour together earlier this year (or are perhaps still touring?)

Metro Station - Control from Metro Station

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